We know the Southwestern Nova Scotia business community is doing their due diligence and carefully monitoring developments related to the impacts of the Coronavirus. The Yarmouth and Area Chamber of Commerce continues to monitor all developments and advocate on behalf of all businesses to all levels of government.

Here to Support You

The Yarmouth & Area Chamber of Commerce is here to support you through this crisis.

Review the materials below and if you need further assistance please reach out to us as we are here to help guide you. Get in touch by contacting Rick:





The following is a gathering of the resources that we are aware of. We will continue to update this on a regular basis and encourage you to check back often.

The Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) is a nonprofit organization that delivers an objectives-based program for massively scalable, seed-stage, science, and technology-based companies.

CDL has announced a Rapid Response Innovation Program,  CDL Recovery and they are asking for your in recruiting ventures and teams for this accelerated, virtual program.

The coronavirus is not only a global health crisis - it will change the way people live their lives and restructure business and economics in ways that remain to be seen. The goal of CDL Recovery is to leverage a curated network of highly competent  mentors and investors to commercialize science based innovation in two specific areas or focus:

  • Public Health: Rapid Testing, Digital Health, Vaccinology/Immunology, Virtual Care, etc.
  • Economic Recovery: Digital/Virtual Work, Digital Learning, Automation, Supply Chain Optimization and Logistics, Security, Surveillance and Cybersecurity, Food security, etc.

Please note that the participant ventures for CDL Recovery are not just startups, and could include a solution developed by a large company, a team of individuals that are not incorporated, a partnership between a startup, SME or large company, or any other combination. To discuss prospective ventures that could leverage this unique opportunity please use this  application link.

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