Richard Piotrowski
Executive Director
Tanis MacPhail
Executive Assistant
Nancy Ellis
Community Navigator
Board of Directors
Connor Adams President
Tri-Star Industries
Kerry Muise 1st VP
DK Muise Ltd.
Matthew Trask2nd VP
Remacon Holdings
Julie Walters Treasurer
Pathfinder Bookkeeping
Gloria BanksSecretary
Doane Grant Thornton
At Large
LLoyd McDougal
Continental Lithium
Ian McNicol
Garian Construction
Jamie Vacon
Legal Council
Kolby Bernard
NSCC Burridge
Mary Thompson
DuPrat Designs
Dustin DuPrat
Let’s Print It! Ltd.
Sheridan Lawrence
Modern Realty
Tara Winchester
Danny Reid
Michael LeBlanc
Honorary Members
Loretta Davis - Sentinel Printing
Irene d'Entremont - ITG Information Managment
John Cunningham - Warden of the Municipality of Yarmouth
Danny Muise - Warden of the District of Argyle
Pamela Mood - Mayor of the Town of Yarmouth
Jim Greig - Past Executive Director
The Honourable Zach Churchill - Member of the Legislative Assembly
The Honourable Colton Leblanc - Member of the Legislative Assembly
The Honourable Chris d’Entremont - Member of Parliament