Chris Atwood Interview

Yarmouth Chamber Corner – Chris Atwood had been a board member at the Yarmouth & Area Chamber of Commerce for 13 years and has recently taken a position at CBDC Blue Water in Porters Lake, NS. Get to know a little about Chris below!

From Chris: “Since coming to Yarmouth, I have gotten to know a lot of great and wonderful people and to see our community adapt and change. In many ways, I feel sad about leaving Yarmouth, but I am excited to start a new challenge! I have been blessed to be part of this community and to call Yarmouth home for the past 20 years and to have all 3 of my children born here.

Even though I am leaving Yarmouth, my heart will remain here!”

What was your role at the Yarmouth and Area Chamber of Commerce?

During my time on the Chamber board, I have served as President from 2009-2010 and again from 2015-2017. I have also Chaired the Chamber Awards Committee and been a member of the Transportation, HR, and Nominations committees along with serving as President of the Nova Scotia Chambers from 2011-2013.

What made you decide to take on these roles?

I took on these roles because I felt that I could make a positive contribution to the Chamber movement and to the business community of Yarmouth.

What was your favorite thing about working with the Chamber?

My favorite thing about working with the Chamber is working with the people, and getting to know, understand, and to help our business community grow.